Burnout and the Importance of Self-Care


Are you feeling overworked, extremely tired, or exhausted? Are you experiencing a decline in productivity, creativity, or efficiency? Do you think the economy of Nigeria has crippled your plans for you and your family? Are you feeling pessimistic about life, work, and family? If you answered yes to all or some, you might be experiencing burnout.

Source: Darling Downs Health

We understand that trying to balance your everyday obligations, family, and job might leave you feeling exhausted. That is why we recommend self-care, we want you to remember that self-care is a necessity and not a selfish act. Prioritizing your health and well-being must remain a priority to ensure you live a full life, handle stress, and stay in excellent health.

This article will discuss the symptoms of burnout and give you six essential self-care tips to help you navigate through burnout.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a state of extreme physical, mental, and emotional tiredness brought on by ongoing or severe stress. It’s frequently associated with a sense of inadequacy, cynicism, and indifference to one’s job.

However, there are a few typical signs of burnout that you may be experiencing:

  • Emotional Tiredness: Feeling emotionally and physically spent all the time. Even little jobs feel like a big deal.
  • Cynicism and Detachment: Losing interest in your work and experiencing negativity or indifference towards it. Like showing up to work with little or no excitement for the work you do.
  • Diminished Sense of Accomplishment: Regardless of real accomplishments, doubting your skills and believing your labour is meaningless.
  • Physical Exhaustion: Physical exhaustion presents as headaches, tense muscles, trouble sleeping, and changes in appetite.
  • Workplace Attitude Changes: Showing higher rates of lateness and absenteeism, procrastination, attention problems, and disregard for assigned tasks.

Preventing Burnout Through Self-care

Source: LinkedIn

The good thing about burnout is that it is preventable and curable through self-care. It entails taking proactive actions to maintain mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Here are six practical self-care tips that would help put your health and well-being first:

  • Feed your body: Fuel your body right by eating wholesome energizing meals rich in a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Additionally, keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and avoid skipping meals.
  • Set priorities right: Rest adequately, and aim for seven to eight hours of good sleep every night. You can create a calming evening ritual to help wind down and guarantee a good night’s sleep.
  • Move your body: Engaging in regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress. Regular exercise need not be about the gym or running alone, discover your passions, whether it’s dancing, brisk walking, or taking a Zumba class. The WHO recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most days of the week. Additionally use relaxation techniques like Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises to help you feel at ease and less stressed.
  • Establish boundaries: Define distinct boundaries between your personal and professional lives. By all means, avoid taking business calls or emails after hours. Leave work for working hours, so it doesn’t consume your daily life.
  • Embrace your loved ones: Humans remain social beings so strong social ties must be fostered to support mental health. Spend time with loved ones and friends who encourage and support you. Make new friends and interact healthily on social media. Remember we are not meant to do life alone.
  • Seek professional assistance: Be bold, and consult a therapist or counselor if you need help managing your burnout. At Wellahealth Africa we offer health insurance coverage for as low as #800/month, which enables you to consult a doctor and run routine tests. Health insurance coverage with Wellahealth ensures that you are provided with professional help as at when due, subscribe today!


Recall that taking care of oneself is self-preservation, not selfishness. You’ll be able to handle stress, prevent burnout, and lead a more satisfying life if you put your health and well-being first, and prioritize self-care today.


Dr Ifeoma M. Uduh

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