Erectile Dysfunction: What Men Should Know


For many men in Nigeria, erectile dysfunction (ED), or the continuous inability to get or keep an erection, can be a cause of worry and anxiety. Erectile dysfunction can occur with your partner, can occur due to certain illnesses like diabetes, or can happen when you are stressed from life. It is important to note, that ED can be treated considering the various types and causes.

Source:Synappse health

 In 2023, some experts reported that over 60% of Nigerian men over age 40 currently experience erectile dysfunction. WellaHealth recognizes the value of sexual health and wellness for Nigerian men. This article will discuss erectile dysfunction (ED), its types, causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment in Nigeria. Understanding this condition is important to allay performance anxiety and rebuild sexual confidence.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

An erection occurs when your sexual organ (penis) experiences a sudden increase in blood flow, which causes the penis to grow, straighten, and harden. Erectile dysfunction also known as impotence is the inability to achieve and maintain a penile erection that satisfies both partners sexually. Erectile dysfunction is the chronic inability to get or keep an erection strong enough for satisfying sexual activity.

It’s crucial to remember that while ED can sometimes happen, repeated problems may call for a medical visit. It is necessary to seek treatment if it occurs 25–30% of the time or more and as much as 90% of patients seeking ED treatment get relief.

Types of Erectile Dysfunction

Different types of ED (impotence) exist.  A physician with a proper diagnosis will attempt to determine which kind is causing your symptoms. Multiple types of impotence may be present in a single person.

Vascular Erectile Dysfunction

Blood fills the penis’s chambers during an erection, making it firmer. A blockage or damage to the vessels supplying blood to the penis may result in vascular erectile dysfunction which is the most common type of erectile dysfunction in older men (over 50 years). The few common reasons for vascular erectile dysfunction include:

  • Blocked blood vessels: Blocked/clogged vessels inhibit blood flow to the penis, as well as cause heart attacks. The blockage in the vessel is due to high cholesterol and other blockages in the arteries.
  • Chronic Illnesses: Vascular erectile dysfunction can be brought on by diabetes and high blood pressure that affect blood flow.
  • Others: Adverse effects of the medication, surgery, and radiation for treatment of tumours

Neurogenic Erectile Dysfunction

Although they impact the penis, erections are brought on by signals that originate in the brain and pass through nerves to the penis. If such nerves are harmed or diseased, impotence may result. The common reasons of neurogenic erectile dysfunction include:

  • Stroke
  • Trauma to the spinal cord
  • Illnesses like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis
  • Tumors affecting the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord)
  • Radiation and surgery
  • Diabetes,
  • Liver failure, or kidney failure
  • Polyneuropathy- widespread nerve illness

Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction

A man’s psychology or his “fight or flight” reaction may become excessively active due to certain psychological issues, impairing the function of the nerves required for an erection. Individuals who suffer from specific psychological challenges like depression are more susceptible to ED. The following are a few reasons for psychogenic erectile dysfunction:

  • Fear: You may be afraid that you won’t satisfy your spouse during sex, it is known as performance anxiety.
  • Relationship issues
  • Being cautious or restrained during sex; not exploring enough of each other or having inhibited desires
  • Sexual abuse as a child
  • Fear related to sexually transmitted infections (STDs)
  • Widower’s syndrome: This syndrome is the shame some men have when they start dating again after their spouse passes away.
  • Depression, stress, and anxiety

Hormonal Erectile dysfunction

The body’s hormones are chemical messengers. Male physical characteristics and sex drive are enhanced by the hormone testosterone which is also necessary in the sustenance of an erection, which is produced in the testicles. Low testosterone levels might cause a person to be less interested in having sex, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

In the past, physicians frequently blamed psychological issues or, in the case of older men, the ageing process for erectile dysfunction. Although erectile dysfunction is more common in the elderly, the young can also have erectile dysfunction.

Source: Wikimedia

In recent times, Urologists believe chronic episodes of ED in men over 50 are due to physical problems not just the ageing process. Age-related erectile dysfunction in men

There are two main causes of impotence- physiological and psychological.

  • Physical Causes: These include high blood pressure, diabetes, atherosclerosis (artery blockage), heart disease, atherosclerosis, clogged arteries, nerve damage from surgery or diabetes, low testosterone levels in the body, hormonal imbalances, tobacco, alcohol, illicit narcotics and some drugs (certain diuretics and antihypertensives, antihistamines, sedatives, stimulants, anti-depressants, and chemotherapeutic agents).
  • Psychological Causes: Impotence can be worsened by stress, anxiety, depression, interpersonal issues (poor communication), sexual preferences, and performance anxiety. Psychological causes commonly affect younger men.

What does Erectile Dysfunction look/feel like?

The main sign of Erectile Dysfunction is having trouble achieving or maintaining an erection.

Each individual may experience erectile dysfunction symptoms differently. Symptoms that point that you have erectile dysfunction include:

  • Difficulty keeping or getting an erection
  • Struggle to maintain an erection long enough for sexual activity
  • Not wanting to have sex (low libido and decreased sexual desire)

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, WellaHealth advises that you see a doctor for consultation and management. On a typical doctor’s visit, you must inform the doctors of your symptoms, diagnosis is usually made after history taking (including your sexual history) and extensive examinations to determine the cause of your erectile dysfunction.

Aside from physical examinations other tests to be done may include:

  • Urine and blood tests for testosterone levels, lipid profile, diabetes, and infections.
  • Assessment of mental health- this test may indicate the presence of stress, depression, or other conditions that may contribute to ED.
  • Ultrasonography enables your physician to determine whether issues with blood flow are impacting your reproductive system.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

In Nigeria, there are several ED treatment options accessible based on the underlying cause, Urologists  are the doctors who treat and manage impotence with:

  • Lifestyle modifications: Erectile function can be greatly enhanced by eating a balanced diet, exercising frequently, keeping a healthy weight, and controlling stress.
  • Psychotherapy (counselling): If your ED is exacerbated by stress, sadness, or relationship issues, speaking with a counsellor is advised.
  • Oral Medications and Injections: To increase blood flow to the penis, doctors frequently prescribe oral drugs like Cialis or Viagra. They also prescribe testosterone (for low testosterone). An erection may be aided by administering an injection of the drug alprostadil into the penis.
  • Vacuum pumps: These tools aid in producing an erection by drawing blood into the penis.
  • Surgery: In certain situations, correcting anatomical defects or improving blood flow may require surgical intervention.

Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction

Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and a few other chronic illnesses increase your risk of developing ED. To reduce your chance of developing erectile dysfunction, you must take proactive steps in lifestyle modification through healthy meals, regular exercise, and visiting your physician regularly.

  • Consume a balanced diet: Men who eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes (beans, peas, and lentils), and fish but low in red and processed meats have a lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Research indicates that obesity raises your risk of erectile dysfunction, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
  • Exercise regularly: Engaging in regular exercise high or moderate physical exercise may lower the chance of developing vascular changes that can predispose you to erectile dysfunction. Additional studies have revealed that males who exercise regularly are less likely to come down with erectile dysfunction.
  • Avoid/stop smoking: Smoking causes adverse damaging effects to your vascular system. You should consider avoiding/ abstaining from smoking to reduce the likelihood of having erectile dysfunction. If you currently smoke break the habit.
  • Some people find that drinking alcohol relaxes them, which makes them more open to having sex. But because alcohol is a sedative, consuming large amounts of it may render you too tired to function. Excessive alcohol use can also impede the transmission of signals from the brain to the spinal cord. For this reason, drinking too much not only makes you clumsy but can also lead to ED. Excessive drinking over an extended period can also reduce testosterone levels, which are essential for achieving and sustaining an erection.
  • Restrict your alcohol intake: The likelihood of having ED is three times higher for heavy drinkers than for abstainers. Some people find that drinking alcohol relaxes them, which makes them more open to having sex. But because alcohol is a sedative, consuming large amounts of it may render you too tired to function. Excessive alcohol use can also impede the transmission of signals from the brain to the spinal cord. For this reason, drinking too much not only makes you clumsy but can also lead to ED. Additionally, excessive drinking over an extended period can also reduce testosterone levels, which are essential for achieving and sustaining an erection.


Erectile dysfunction is a common condition, it affects all age groups, although more prevalent in older men. If you have erectile dysfunction remember you are not alone and there are so many treatment options available for you. You need to consult a physician about the best course of action for you.


Dr. John Afam, Dr. Ifeoma Uduh

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