Malaria: Benefits of Wellahealth’s All-Inclusive Plans


Despite continuous attempts to eradicate the disease, malaria continues to be a serious health concern in Nigeria, affecting over 68 million people each year with over 100,000 deaths. Nigerians fighting malaria daily will benefit greatly from having comprehensive health coverage that can help in the prevention, treatment, and eradication of malaria.

Source: AusMed

Our goal at Wellahealth is to provide our clients with complete health coverage, which includes malaria consultation, testing, and treatment, so you can get the best care available when you and your loved ones need it most.

What is malaria?

The potentially fatal parasitic disease malaria is spread by the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes carrying the infection. Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, and Plasmodium malariae are the four primary species of Plasmodium parasites that cause the disease.


Plasmodium falciparum is the most dangerous of them, frequently resulting in serious and fatal complications.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Malaria

After a mosquito bite, a person may experience high fever, chills, sweating, headaches, muscle soreness, and exhaustion for days. Malaria is endemic in Nigeria, so there is always a chance of being exposed to the vector-borne disease. In extreme circumstances, the illness may result in:

  • Anaemia,
  • Jaundice,
  • Respiratory distress, and
  • Cerebral malaria (a condition where malaria spreads to the brain causing damage and may induce coma or seizures).

Usually, blood tests used to identify the presence of malaria parasites are used for diagnosis. To confirm infection, rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and microscopic analysis of blood smears are frequently used.

Why is Wellahealth’s Malaria Coverage Important?

  • High Prevalence: Nigeria is among the nations where malaria is most prevalent worldwide. Having healthcare coverage will address this healthcare challenge with high transmission rates and frequent outbreaks.
  • Treatment Costs: Treating malaria can be expensive, especially in more severe instances. If you or your family members are affected, the financial burden of ongoing antimalarial treatment, diagnostic procedures, and hospital stays can put a strain on personal and family finances. WellaHealth’s affordable health insurance helps reduce expenses by granting access to essential medical care without putting a strain on personal and family finances.
  • Access to High-Quality Care: Timely medical intervention is generally necessary for effective treatment of malaria. Your chances of a speedy and full recovery are increased since our health coverage guarantees that you will have access to first-rate medical facilities and skilled medical personnel.

Wellahealth provides all-inclusive health insurance policies that include prevention and treatment of malaria. Our plans offer financial security, so you can concentrate on getting better rather than worrying about how much medicine will cost. With just N2000/month, you get:

  • Malaria tests and treatments
  • Consultations with doctors (Telemedicine)
  • Laboratory tests and X-rays
  • Hospitalization and other benefits


By choosing WellaHealth Technologies’ affordable health coverage, you’re guarding against the unforeseen expenses of treating malaria as well as your financial well-being. In Nigeria, malaria remains a serious health concern; however, you can shield your family and yourself from the financial and health effects of the disease by obtaining the appropriate health coverage.

The goal at Wellahealth is to offer complete coverage that takes into account the nuances of malaria without breaking the bank! You invest in your present health as well as your long-term health and peace of mind when you select our health insurance. Send us a message to learn more about our malaria coverage and how we can keep you safe!


Dr. Ifeoma M. Uduh, Dr. John Afam-Osemene

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