My Health, My Right

In our world today, access to healthcare remains unequal. Socioeconomic factors and ethno-religious status undermine access to quality healthcare. Emphasizing the right to health is of importance now more than ever. The World Health Organization and the world commemorate World Health Day yearly on the 7th of April, this year under the theme “My Health, My Right,” it’s imperative to recognize that every individual deserves the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Courtesy: World Health Organization

The theme highlights that health is not just a privilege, but a basic human right that must be safeguarded and upheld for all.

This article will discuss the roles individuals, healthcare providers, healthcare workers, and the government would play to achieve quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare for all.

Global Health Score Sheet

In the recent past, the global pandemic showed what the health of individuals in our world can face in a pandemic, with collective efforts as individuals and in every nation together we fought the pandemic. Significant progress in other areas of health in recent decades has seen major health service improvement, however, millions of people around the world still lack access to essential health services. Factors like poverty, geographical location, wars, and social injustice create major barriers to healthcare. This not only affects individual well-being but also hinders the economic and social development of country states.


The Way Forward

To achieve health for all as a fundamental human right, individuals, civil society groups, health care providers and facilitators, as well as the government, must come together to achieve this aim. Here are some actionable steps:

Courtesy: Manuela Leporesi (WHO)

For Individuals:

  • Make healthy choices: The healthy choices include diet, exercise, and preventative care. Individuals should register and use insurance plans that help subsidize the cost of healthcare, at Wellahealth we believe that quality healthcare should not be a luxury but a fundamental right of every Nigerian. Wellahealth provides several healthcare packages including the Microhealth plan and several other Health plans. The plans are affordable going for as low as #1200/month and #14,400/year, tailored to meet individual needs.
  • Advocate for change: Individuals should support policies for health promotion and health equity, additionally, individuals must promote and support policies that embrace inclusion and access to healthcare.
  • Spread awareness: The central focus of this year’s theme “My Health, My Right” is to spread awareness and empower humans with knowledge and awareness to advocate for their health needs. Health education aims to equip individuals with the information and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their well-being. Health education includes education about preventive measures to recognize early warning signs of illness, education empowers individuals to take steps towards better health outcomes. Education and awareness also include individuals sharing verified information about healthcare services.

●      Governments:

  • Invest in healthcare and improve access to health services: The government of every nation must allocate resources to strengthen healthcare systems and improve access to services. To realize the right to health, there should be unfiltered access to quality healthcare services. Unfortunately, disparities in access persist, with marginalized communities and rural areas often bearing the brunt of inadequate healthcare infrastructure and resources. “My Health, My Right” calls for action to address these inequities. Policies and initiatives must prioritize equitable access to healthcare for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Improving access to healthcare will address an end to health inequality in our world.

  • Focus on prevention: Primary healthcare facilities aid disease prevention and health promotion. The government and its agencies should implement such facilities that promote disease prevention and health promotion.


●      Healthcare Providers & Organizations:


  • Promote health equity: Healthcare providers and organizations must ensure all patients have access to quality care, regardless of socioeconomic background.
  • Embrace technological advancements: Healthcare providers should utilize technology in the management of patients to improve healthcare delivery. Technological advancements in healthcare over time aid quality healthcare delivery and improve health outcomes that increase access for all.

In recent times, with the recent brain drain and immigration of healthcare workers, Wellahealth has provided a platform Meditrina that can impact the quality of care people living with chronic diseases can get, despite the brain drain. Meditrina is a platform that promises to help people living with chronic diseases like Diabetes, meditrina has an inbuilt system with an assistant that aids tracking of health indices.

  • Develop partnerships: Healthcare providers and organizations should collaborate with other organizations to address health challenges in rural communities. These organizations would help with healthcare funding that ultimately improves health. Wellahealth has partnered with several health maintenance organizations (HMOs) to provide quality care for subscribers and users of our insurance, as Wellahealth believes quality and affordable healthcare is the right of every individual

Courtesy:Wellahealth blog


As we celebrate World Health Day with the theme “My Health, My Right,” let us reaffirm our commitment to promoting the fundamental principle that health is a universal human right. Together, let us work towards a future where the right to health is not just an aspiration, but a reality for all. Let us empower individuals with health knowledge, ensure equitable access to healthcare, and break down barriers to healthcare. When we do these, we create a world where every person can lead a healthy and fulfilling life.


Dr Ifeoma Uduh, Dr John Afam

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