Recommended Pre-Wedding Tests


For many Nigerians, their greatest aspiration is to find genuine love, get married, and create a loving family. Getting married and falling in love are really beautiful things, however, long-term life events such as marriage require that both partners are informed about the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of each other.

Source: Afriglobal Medicare

Information is important in starting this long-term journey as every decision made would affect the next person. Your partner’s health would also need to be your top focus. Complete diagnostic testing is crucial to embracing this journey.

Although fear and stigmatization are some of the reasons many Nigerians do not get tested as frequently. It is important to know that it is still possible to find the right one despite your health condition, what is most important is that you are informed and armed with that information you can live a long and happy love life. All tests and test results in Nigeria remain confidential and that shouldn’t be the worry.


In this article, we will discuss common pre-wedding tests and the benefits of doing them even if they are not required by law.


Common Pre-Wedding Tests in Nigeria

  • Blood Group and Genotype tests: This test establishes the compatibility between Blood Types (A, B, AB, or O) and the Rhesus Factor (positive or negative). Additionally, it lists possible dangers that can arise from Rh incompatibility in upcoming pregnancies. Haemoglobin genotype testing is super important for Nigerians as Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) affects 1 in 4 Nigerians and should determine couple compatibility. The genotype test determines whether sickle cell trait or sickle cell illness is present. Genetic counselling addressing possible risks to offspring is made possible by being aware of your status and that of your partner.
  • HIV and STD Tests: The likelihood of illnesses like HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Herpes, gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia, yeast infections, etc. is high in sexually active people. Knowing your partner’s condition ought to help you take the right precautions to keep yourself safe, especially for sexually transmitted infections that are curable to prevent complications. These tests are mostly done using blood, and sometimes saliva. HIV diagnostic tests come in three varieties: antibody, antigen/antibody, and nucleic acid test (NAT). The blood tests for hepatitis B and C check for viral infections that can harm the liver as treatment and early discovery can greatly enhance results.
  • Fertility Tests: Hormonal assays, pelvic ultrasound scans, seminal analyses, and other procedures are examples of fertility testing. They are worthwhile to reduce emotional strain and surprises that may result from problems with reproduction. Testing the status of both you and your partner has long-term benefits.
  • Chronic or long-term medical conditions: Being aware of a partner’s medical history will help you better plan how to live with and take care of them. Early detection and diagnosis of diseases including diabetes, asthma, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, kidney disease, etc., open doors to critical lifestyle modifications and prompt medical attention. It’s critical to be aware of your current health status so that you can consistently make wise decisions.

Benefits of Pre-Wedding Tests

  • Understanding and Awareness: Pre-wedding health testing offers important insights into the health of each couple. It assists in locating any risk factors or medical issues that may need to be managed or attended to. Awareness allows you and your partner to demonstrate commitment to responsible family planning and strengthen your future together by proactively addressing potential health risks. Additionally, pre-wedding tests might provide open and honest discussions regarding health issues within the couple as this strengthens the trust in your partnership.
  • Planning a Family: Pre-wedding tests allow you to make more educated judgments about marriage and future family planning when you are aware of your health status and that of your partner. Test findings may have an impact on choices regarding when to have children or possible hazards related to childbearing. Early detection of any possible fertility problems can assist in making well-informed decisions about family planning and, if necessary, in getting the proper medical care.
  • Prevention and Early Recognition: Early detection of underlying health conditions through testing can facilitate prompt medical intervention and treatment. Better results and an improvement in both partners’ general health and well-being can result from early diagnosis of some disorders and forestall potential complications that may arise.
  • Boost Your Routines: The outcomes of test findings can act as a wake-up call to start leading a healthier lifestyle. Couples can utilize this knowledge to improve their general lifestyle, including their nutrition and exercise habits.
  • Examining for Genetic Disorders: Some couples might be worried about the possibility of their offspring inheriting specific genetic problems. hereditary screening is one type of pre-wedding health test that may be used to find any potential hereditary concerns.
  • Peace of Mind: As they start their married life, knowing that both partners are healthy or taking care of any health issues beforehand helps ease anxiety and cut down on needless stress. It’s crucial to remember that pre-wedding tests though advised are optional.


To conclude, although pre-wedding tests aren’t compulsory they are important. Test results/findings of the pre-wedding test remain confidential and are not shared with third parties without your permission. Seek advice from a medical expert regarding pre-wedding tests and their applicability to your particular circumstances.


Dr Ifeoma M. Uduh

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