Staying Healthy On A Budget


As a Nigerian living in Nigeria, it is common to associate leading a healthy lifestyle with high costs and luxury: think gym memberships, organic food, and high-end supplements you may be asking what if I am on a tight budget? What if I am unable to keep up with the rising costs of fresh foods, healthcare, and gym membership? How do I stay healthy on a budget??

We are here to give you the good news that staying healthy doesn’t have to break the bank, and staying healthy remains the number one preventative care for you in these times. Note that, at Wellahealth, we offer affordable and accessible health coverage for you and your loved ones to ensure that healthcare does not become a Burden.

In this article, we will share useful suggestions that will enable you to preserve your health and well-being without going over budget.

Source: CDC

Nutritious Food Is Important

Food doesn’t have to be expensive to serve as fuel. Your body needs 2000-2500kcal a day to work, you can achieve this caloric intake while eating rice, beans, green leafy vegetables, nuts, tubers, and fruits. These are nutrient-dense powerhouses that may be cooked into an endless variety of delectable dishes.

Stick to a Monthly Budget

To maintain good physical and mental health you should live within your means, and have a strict monthly budget that should cover meals, health, utility, and others. To prevent impulsive purchases, make a grocery list and plan your meals weekly, so you are not too tired to prepare a meal after work.

Eat your Fruits and Vegetables

You are no longer a baby, or in your teens, so eat your vegetables and fruits. The more cost-effective way is to enjoy your fruits when they are in season; when they are easier to get and affordable. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients essential for healthy living.

Pick a New Hobby: Cook More at Home

Cooking for yourself and your family is cost-effective as frequently dining out is expensive, but apart from that, it can help mental health and create family bonds. Additionally, if you or any of your loved ones are looking to lose weight, maintain weight, or add weight, making healthy food choices is made easier when you cook at home since you have control over ingredients and portion sizes.

Get Moving: Fitness Is Crucial

Having an active lifestyle is an important part of staying healthy and ageing well. Engage in physical activities like walking, running, or swimming (a public pool). Additionally, home workouts are free and can be a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy at no additional cost. workout may be had without a gym membership. Taking a stroll around your neighbourhood can give you perspective, improve your mood, and help you stay fit.

Stay Hydrated

Research suggests that the daily water intake should be 8-10 cups of water or 2-3 litres daily. One of the major habits that predispose Nigerians to obesity and diabetes is liquid calories (soft drinks and sodas). To stay healthy and fit on a budget, ditch sodas- avoid spending money on products that impact negatively on your health. Embrace water, water is essential for good health.

Make Adequate Rest and Sleep Your Top Priority

The key to general health and well-being is getting enough rest and sleep. Rest and sleep help to calm you and your system for the robust daily activity you may be engaging in. Adequate sleep is crucial and to ensure you get as much rest as possible, set up a regular sleep schedule by establishing a consistent time for bed and wake-up each day. Maintain a calm, quiet, dark bedroom to foster relaxation.

Take Care of Your Mental Health and Wellness

It is crucial to maintain mental health in addition to physical wellness. Engage in stress-reduction practices like journaling, deep breathing, or meditation. To boost your mental health, participate in activities you enjoy and maintain your social contacts.

“Prevention is Better Than Cure”

The saying “prevention is better than cure” holds in staying healthy. Make preventive care a priority by getting an affordable insurance plan/coverage from WellaHealth for as low as #800/month, that affords you regular checks with your doctor so they can help detect possible health issues early on, when treatment is usually simpler and less costly. Also, our affordable health plans can provide you with quality, genuine drugs, and laboratory testing for common illnesses.


So yes, it is possible to lead a healthy life on a Nigerian budget. You may feel your best without going over budget if you put in a little preparation, creativity, and dedication to your health. With careful planning and lifestyle modifications, it is possible to maintain excellent health on a tight budget.

To remain healthy and live well without going over budget, emphasize preventive care, regular exercise, good eating and cooking, and enough sleep. Always remember that inexpensive, simple, and persistent routines are the cornerstone of good health.


We believe that these affordable tips can help you live a long, happy, and healthy life. To speak with a doctor or subscribe to any of our plans; send us a message on WhatsApp today.


Dr. Ifeoma M. Uduh, Dr. John Afam-Osemene

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