World Oral Health Day: A Happy Mouth Leads to a Happy Body


World Oral Health Day slated for March 20th every year, is an annual campaign organized by the World Dental Federation aimed at awareness and campaigning about the critical connection between oral health and physical health. This year’s theme, “A Happy Mouth is a Happy Body,” perfectly captures the importance of good oral hygiene for overall well-being.


Many people underestimate the impact of a healthy mouth, but the reality is, that it goes far beyond a sparkling white smile. The mouth is the portal to the digestive tract; the digestive tract is the passage for all foods, which starts at the mouth and terminates at the anus. The mouth is also an entry to the organs of the respiratory tract. The mouth houses the teeth and various soft tissues like the tongue, palate, and cheek that are all enclosed by the lips. Due to its vital function in humans for chewing, speech, and aesthetics keeping a clean mouth is essential and a compulsory part of keeping a healthy body.

The Importance of Oral Health

Brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups aren’t just about keeping your breath fresh (although that’s a nice perk!). The mouth is full of normal flora(commensals), in the presence of a dental or medical condition the normal flora can increase in numbers leading to oral diseases that can degenerate into systemic diseases if left to fester. In their usual number per colony, the commensals do not cause diseases and are mostly harmless.  However, these oral diseases have been found to worsen already existing medical conditions in the body like diabetes mellitus.

Disease Prevention:

Oral diseases that have close links to systemic health include oral cancer, dental caries, and periodontal diseases. Periodontal diseases affect the pathogenesis and prognosis of systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, bacterial pneumonia, Alzheimers,  and diabetes mellitus.[2] Diabetics who are non-compliant with medications have worse treatment outcomes as the increased blood sugar predisposes them to high bacterial counts that result in severe periodontitis and oral infection whose end is usually multiple mobile(shaky) teeth and tooth loss. For patients without systemic disease and poor oral health (periodontitis), a link has been found that aspirated bacteria can cause several respiratory conditions including bacteria pneumonia.[3] Periodontitis is a disease of the gum and bone tissue that occurs due to the weakening of gum tissue and bone by increased bacterial load. With an increased bacteria load, aspiration of bacteria becomes easy and this leads to respiratory tract infections of various severities.

Nutritional Health:

Healthy teeth and gums (healthy mouths) are crucial for proper chewing and digestion. An infected, painful, and inflamed tooth and gums can make eating a nutritious diet difficult, leading to potential nutrient deficiencies predisposing a person to infection and disease due to decreased immunity.

Confidence and Social Well-being:

A happy mouth is a bright, healthy smile that boosts self-esteem and confidence. Conversely, dental pain, swelling, and discolourations can cause embarrassment, and social anxiety that adversely impact the quality of life.

Most often the body’s defenses and good oral care keep germs under control. The essence of WOHD is to emphasize good oral care including daily brushing and flossing and remind the populace of the importance of keeping good oral care to ensure a happy mouth free of germs and diseases. From the foregoing, neglecting oral hygiene can lead to a myriad of issues; including cavities, gum disease, and even systemic health problems like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. By prioritizing oral health, we not only preserve our happy mouths/smiles but also safeguard our overall health and well-being for happy bodies.

The Foundations of Oral Health

Prevention: Prevention is the cornerstone of dentistry and maintaining optimal oral health. Simple habits such as brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, attending routine dental check-ups, and a balanced diet low in sugary foods and beverages can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and overall poor dental outcomes. Additionally, regular medical checkups are essential in ensuring good oral and physical health.

Empowering Oral Health Literacy:

Education is key to fostering good oral health practices. The World Oral Health Day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of oral hygiene and preventive care. Empowering and educating individuals with knowledge about proper oral care techniques and the consequences of neglecting oral health, can inspire positive behavior change and promote lifelong oral health habits that ensure healthy lives.


Promoting Access to Oral Healthcare:

Access to oral healthcare remains a global challenge, with many individuals lacking adequate resources and services. On this World Oral Health Day, Wellahealth advocates for equitable access to dental care for all, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location. Governmental and Non-governmental agencies should work together in promoting initiatives that expand access to oral healthcare services and education, we can work towards achieving universal oral health coverage.

Embracing Innovation in Oral Healthcare:

On this day we are reminded of advancements in dental technology that continue to revolutionize oral healthcare delivery. From digital imaging to minimally invasive treatments, innovative solutions are enhancing diagnostic accuracy, treatment outcomes, and patient comfort. Embracing these innovations not only improves the patient experience but also contributes to more effective oral health management.



As the World celebrates World Oral Health Day 2024, we reaffirm our commitment to prioritizing oral health as an integral component of overall well-being.

Let us continue to promote preventive care, enhance oral health literacy, advocate for universal access to dental care, and embrace innovation. In doing all this, we can empower individuals to live with happy mouths and enjoy a lifetime of healthy life.


Dr Ifeoma Uduh, Dr John Afam

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